This project is something I have never done before and it symbolizes the beginning of a new chapter in my work. I never thought photographing landscapes was that interesting until I made a technical mistake that led me to see them in a different way. I always saw photography as a serious craft, almost a science. It is comforting to me that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. This project made me realize this is nonsense. A camera is just another tool and there isn't a correct way to use it. This project started as a mistake, I used very old medium format film with a Holga camera with a plastic lens just for fun. I shot it in Denmark in an area called Skagen, a place that attracted a new school of Scandinavian painters over 150 years ago. I had the idea of shooting classic Scandinavian landscape. I tried to pretend I was an impressionist painter and adopted this point of view using long exposures hand held. The results were very interesting and formed a series of eerie landscapes almost completely detached from human presence.

Lior Zilberstein is a 30 years old London based photographer / Artist. At the age of 20 he became a photographer for the Air Force, where his interest in photography grew. After his service, he moved to London to study web design at SAE just to realize that design was not for him. He completed a BA in Photography at the University of the Arts, London College of Communications. He started creating commercial work along a variety of personal projects ranging from documentary to fine art. His work was published and exhibited by the British Journal of Photography, The Royal Photographic Society and Bombay Mix to name a few.